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2019 spring Sturgeon

Xtreme Angling has been on the water several times during the month of March. Some days have been stellar and others a little slower....

2018 Sturgeon Season is in full swing.

The water temp is warming back up from the very cold snap we experienced 2 weeks ago. With that in mind the sturgeon are starting to...

Sturgeon season hit or miss! 

So this sturgeon season has been a whirlwind. January was tough for Xtreme-Angling with flooded water, freezing temps, cold water...

2016 Salmon season is underway!!

So far every client has been able to catch atleast one fish, if not their limit of two. This has been an exciting season with really...

2016 Spring Stripers

The spring Striper season is up and running. Fishing has been red hot for trolling the delta and minnow fishing the Sac and Feather river...

2016 Spring Stripers

The spring Striper season is up and running. Fishing has been red hot for trolling the delta and minnow fishing the Sac and Feather river...

Sturgeon fishing is HOT! Feb 2016

Xtreme-Angling Guide Service hit the waters of the California Delta the week of Feb. 16-21st targeting sturgeon with excellent success....

1/24/16 Sturgeon bite is in full swing

I have made a couple sturgeon trips this past week and the bite seems to be solid. The water has warmed up a little bit and all the water...

2016 is Underway and Sturgeon are biting

The RAIN has arrived and it looks like it will finally be the wet winter California has been needing. With this winter time weather has...

6/29/14 Collins Lake report

After reading a report of some big trout being taken at Collins Lake, I put together a small trip to go out and see what we could do. My...

6/21/14 Folsom Lake Trout

I took a little scout trip on Folsom Lake Saturday June 21st with my dad. The lake level is lower then normal but completely fish-able...

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